Friday, January 18, 2008

Sound of Silence

We're in a frenzy of moving activity: tomorrow's the "official" move (with snow in the forecast), today I'm theoretically working from home, but will likely only bill a couple hours. I'm driving loads in the Suburban to the new pad.

There was a mix-up in the new address: the landlord gave me the wrong apartment number. I passed that on to all the utility companies as my forwarding address, and things got fun. We got it all worked out, but my ISP can't connect my cable modem until the 23rd. So service ends at this location on the 20th (and we'll probably not be here anymore), and it doesn't turn back on at the new location until the 23rd. So we'll go dark on the Internet for a few days. And since we have digital phone, our landline won't work either.

So if you need to call us between tomorrow and the 24th, you'd better use our cell phone numbers. If you don't have those numbers, you can call or email today or tomorrow to get those. We might get a chance at a Starbuck's or something to check our email, but we make no guarantees.

We'll be back with the same number next week.

In other news, things are just hectic, but we should resurface in a couple weeks. The new owner of the house takes possession on the 29th, life should calm down a little by then.

1 comment:

Gwen said...

Hope it's going well!